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What to expect


During the initial consultation, it is important that you feel comfortable discussing your pet's health concerns and your treatment preferences with me. You may have experienced judgement previously from members of your pet's health care team, or have reservations about sharing your own thoughts from Googling (we all do it!) or online forums. You may also have financial concerns to consider. Nothing is off limits in our discussion, and the more information you share with me, the better I can understand how best to help you and your pet.


At Aubreen Veterinary Hospital we pride ourselves, team-wide, on tailoring your pet's health care plan to what is best for you and your entire family (furry and human). When appropriate, I utilise the strength of my team members in my treatment plans. All the veterinarians at AVH have their own unique skillsets, including surgical, diagnostic imaging, dentistry, and medical talents, and all are there to support your pet's health as much as I am.


My goal is to empower you to embrace integrative therapies that have been shown to make a difference in animals' lives, including Western herbal tonics, supplements, Traditional Chinese medications, Ayurvedic medications, essential oils, acupuncture, and prescription medications. We will also discuss in great depth your pet's diet, and formulate a nutrition plan to best support their health.

Booking a Consultation

Please get in touch with my team at Aubreen Veterinary Hospital to book a consultation. It is best to call to book rather than booking online, so the nursing team can let you know my availability specifically. Ensure you request a herbal medicine consultation so the correct amount of time is allocated. Initial herbal medicine consultations are 45 minutes.


When you book we will gather some contact information, including an email address to send through a pre-visit questionnaire, and a few details about your pet. If you have already seen a veterinarian regarding this particular problem, we will also request your permission to obtain your pet's history.


Chronic health conditions cannot be solved overnight, and will require follow up consultations so I can monitor your pet's progress, modify their treatment plan as appropriate, and obtain your valuable feedback. Reducing body-wide inflammation, and strengthening the immune system, can take 6-8 weeks in many cases. Many of my treatment plans involve faster-acting treatments to offer instant relief whilst allowing herbal tonics and nutritional modifications to begin enacting longer term benefits.


If your pet's case is urgent, or a health emergency, we may recommend coming in as soon as possible for assessment by one of our other veterinarians who will liase with me on the treatment plan until I can see your pet for a more in-depth consultation.

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